the one where it's valentine's day

it's valentine's day. i have never particularly cared for valentine's day. not because i hate the world or i hate couples or anything like that. i just hate the long waits at restaurants (when i worked at houston's we would run a 3 hour wait on v-day. ridiculous. who WERE those people?!) and i hate that it's categorized as a holiday that women care about so much. my best valentine's day was when the ex and i went to the circus. it was so fun. regardless, it's a big holiday and today two unsettling things happened that forced me to think about valentine's day.

first, the ex sent me a text this afternoon. yes, not earth shattering news, i know. but let me back up. the ex told me not quite a month ago, that his wife was freaking out about us being facebook friends. he would have to defriend me and he might even delete his fb account. keep in mind, that i NEVER write on his call, comment on things he says/posts/etc. we have NO fb contact at all. i am just listed on his friends list. well, i was, at least. after he told me that she was pissed, he defriended me. he also informed me he was pissed about the whole thing and thanks for being understanding, blah blah blah. cut to about 1:45 pm. he sends me a text message wishing me a happy valentine's day. are you freakin' serious dude? it's valentine's day. you are married with twins on the way. the LAST thing i want is to hear from you. sigh.

THEN, the banker calls me. i was so shocked i literally just stared at the phone. he didn't leave a message so i have no idea what he wanted. but i don't understand why all these exes feel the need to text/call on freaking valentine's day. just let me be.


Unknown said...

hate valentines day too, because i dont have a girl

Sarah said...

Sounds like your ex is ever-so-slightly conflicted. I like to use the excuse of Valentine's Day to make homemade cards with crayons to send to long-lost friends and relatives. So much more fun than romantic torment and cheap chocolate!

J Alex said...

It sounds like your valentines day was pretty interesting

warrioRR said...

Mine was bored!!!!