i just read this excellent article speaking about steve harvey's dating tips for women. i actually really like steve harvey and think he's super funny. i enjoyed the article and i think that steve is right. one of the main things that stuck with me was about standards and expectations. men will rise to the standards you set if they really want you. and if they don't, you don't want em anyways.
i recognize that in the past i probably wasn't picky enough and i'm actively changing that. the Banker is an asshole? he's cut off. match guy doesn't walk to the metro and then texts me (and you all KNOW how i feel about text message dating) thursday to ask about plans for friday? no way. i told him i was busy all weekend. and for him, i am.
not to sound like a jerk. i'm not. but, as i've said before, i don't think it's too much to ask for a man to not ask me out via text message. and to not ask me out on a thursday for a friday evening. of course it isn't. and my future husband won't ;)
men may rise to your expectations but that doesn't mean that they will always stay that way and never underestimate a man's determination when it comes to thinking with his d***. i can agree with steve that having high expectations allows you to separate the champion kenyan marathoners from the sixth place norwegian sprinters. But that doesn't mean the sprinters can't run a good marathon.
in regards to the match.com guy i need to hear more about how you two communicated over the net to make an accurate assessment.
well, good sir...if you would ever call a girl, i could give you details! :)
I need to get Steve's book...I have been hearing fabulous things about it!
"champion kenyan marathoners" I love it!
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