the one where i am freaking out a wee bit

so, as i've mentioned match guy and i were supposed to meet up for lunch this week. i suggested tuesday or wednesday and he just suggested thursday. and gave me his number to call him! i don't like the phone w/people i don't know. do i have to call him? or can i just email him back? also, i don't know how i feel about thursday. i was planning on going to this game night thing in the city. perhaps i should suggest we meet there? i need HELP!!

also - can i just say how much i love our president? he's fantastic. and so inspiring. i adore him and am so happy he was elected. i know that things are dire and he inherited a lot of shit. but i am so impressed by him and damnit, can i just say it - he is pretty hot. i think samantha on SATC said it best..."our country runs better with a good looking man at the helm". i certainly agree. 


RB said...

If you invite him to the game night thing, he could turn out to be super competitive and kinda kill the evening...

The Socialite said...

Ok, I'm late and just now reading this! So what happened?!